Benefits & drawbacks of using private GP services

Health Prem shares the most common advantages of choosing private GP services, along with the negatives of opting for a private GP over the NHS.

3 minute read

Times are changing, it’s not as easy as it used to be to get a doctor’s appointment. There are over 7 million on waiting lists in England, and there is a two-week wait for cancer screenings. The NHS is struggling, there aren’t enough doctors or nurses or enough NHS funding.

When it comes to our health, we shouldn’t be waiting weeks to see a doctor. If not to get an early diagnosis of a potentially worsening condition, then for your peace of mind. Private general practitioners (GP) offer a solution to this problem. Let’s explore the pros and cons of what they can offer compared to NHS GPs, and any common misconceptions about using them.

Misconceptions about using a private GP

Many people think that, if you chose to book an appointment with a private GP, it means you can no longer see your NHS GP. This is not true. You have the flexibility to see both depending on your needs.

If you have a specific concern and are looking for a quick and efficient solution, consider seeing a private GP. Unlike the NHS, where waiting for appointments can take weeks, private GPs can provide timely care. The best part is that you can always return to your NHS GP for ongoing treatments.

Private doctor pros cons

So, why wait when you have the option to address your concerns promptly and get back on track with your routine healthcare? Well, it also works the other way around - if you see your NHS GP, it does not mean you can see a private GP. You really do have the choice to use whichever healthcare provider you need at the time.

Benefits of booking a private GP appointment

Here are the pros associated with booking an appointment with a doctor privately.

1. Time efficiency and convenience

The biggest advantage of booking a private GP appointment is the reduced wait time. Many private GPs even offer same day appointments, and quick access to healthcare when you most need it. This can allow you to quickly resolve any health problems and give you peace of mind, instead of waiting weeks for an appointment on the NHS.

2. Personalised healthcare

As private GPs have fewer patients, they can give more time to each patient and build a relationship with each one. This enables them to offer more personalised healthcare which is suited to your needs and concerns.

Appointments no longer have to be rushed, and more time can be given to discuss test results where you will have the opportunity to ask any questions.

3. Extended consultation times

Ever felt like you're rushed at your NHS GP? Almost like you’re on a medical assembly line?

Well, private GPs prioritise quality over quantity. You can book extended consultation times to discuss more than one issue if it is bothering you. It gives you that opportunity to ask all of your questions and feel heard. Sometimes that is what you need the most.

Private healthcare benefits

4. Access to specialists

Sometimes your health concerns require specialist consultation and treatment. If so, private GPs can quickly refer you to private specialist consultants. This process is significantly faster than being referred on the NHS, which could take months or even years due to long waiting lists.

This seamless transition ensures you receive specialised care without unnecessary delays. It’s an easy transition and reduces your worries and concerns. In many cases you can even chose the specialist you want to see which gives you a greater feeling of control.

5. Enhanced facilities and amenities

Private GPs have more funding to purchase cutting-edge equipment and diagnostic tools to help you get a diagnosis and the treatment you need faster. You may need less referrals if the clinic already had the equipment, which will also mean less trips to the clinic for you.

6. Comfortable environment

Private GP clinics usually have more modern facilities and a serene atmosphere. When you’re not feeling well, the sense of your environment is important to your healing.

From plush sophisticated waiting rooms with drinks to state-of-the-art treatment rooms, you will feel cared for. The overall experience is catered to comfort and well-being and resources are utilised better.

Best private doctors uk

Drawbacks of booking a private GP appointment

Now, for the disadvantages that may arise from seeing a doctor privately.

1. Financial considerations

The number one reason people do not opt to go to a private GP – the cost.

The price of consultation fees, membership plans, or insurance premiums, can all add up. For some people, the price may outweigh the convenience of private healthcare.

However, many companies offer private health insurance which can be used to book appointments. If self-funded, many private GP clinics also offer monthly financial payment plans.

2. Limited NHS Services for long term concerns

Sometimes, private healthcare is dependant on utilising certain services covered by the NHS such as vaccinations, health screenings, or joint injections. If you currently heavily rely on the NHS for long term treatment of chronic illnesses, it may be difficult to switch to a private GP. Many of them do not offer consultations for long term illnesses.

Either way, it’s best to check with your clinic before deciding to switch.

3. Insurance complexities

Even if you have private health insurance, when you come to actually use it, it can be daunting. It’s not always so straightforward.

How to get private health insurance

Coverage can have its limitations, and you may require pre-authorisation of treatments. If you aren’t aware of your policy details, you may feel off-guard. In some cases, you may also be left stuck with unexpected bills, so it’s important to understand your health insurance cover before booking any appointments.

You can always call your healthcare company for advice which should make it easier for you.

4. Potential disruption of continuity of care

If you see a regular GP, you may have built up a relationship with them over the years and they may be well aware of your medical history. Perhaps they are your family doctor. Some people may feel it is a breach of this trust if you choose to see a private GP instead.

One way to navigate this is to inform your NHS GP of making the switch if you cannot get an appointment quickly.

5. Ethical considerations

Some people believe opting for private healthcare creates inequality in the healthcare system as access is related to how much you can afford to pay as opposed to the severity of your medical need. This can widen the socioeconomic gap between people who can afford private care and those who cannot and need to rely on public services.

However, the counter argument for opting for private healthcare is that it will relive some of the stress on the NHS and free up resources for others. For those who pay for private health insurance, this is a good way to utilise their funds.

NHS or Private GP? The choice is yours

Now you are aware of some of the pros of seeing a private GP and some of the limitations. Hopefully, this article will help you decide on what the best choice is for you. It all depends on your circumstances and priorities.

Private healthcare offers fast appointments and personalised attention with state-of-the-art clinics. The downside being that it may cost more money, so it is essential to weigh up the benefits against the pros. You may wish to see a private GP for a specific healthcare concern you do not want to wait to be seen for, and then return to your NHS GP for regular check-ups.

Whichever provider you choose to go with, remember the importance of prioritising your health. The longer you wait, the more likely it is for your symptoms to worsen over time.


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