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Festive Season: Your Guide to a Healthy and Happy December

During festive season, it's important to find that perfect balance of health and happiness. Here’s your guide to staying healthy through to the New Year.

3 minute read

Festive season is almost upon us! The shimmering lights and tinsel, catchy tunes and indulgent festive treats. It’s almost party time, a time when we all use the humble excuse of, “it’s Christmas” for that second helping of food, or another drink.

Whilst you should enjoy yourself, it’s also important to find that balance so you take care of your well being too. Here are some essential do’s and don’ts, backed by UK statistics, to help you glide through December in good health.

Festive Season Do’s and Don’ts

Research shows people in the UK tend to drink more during December and the holiday season. No surprises there.

The festive season is full of dinners, parties and social gatherings where alcohol consumption is encouraged, even expected. Whilst it can be a lot of fun, it’s important to remember to pace yourself, and drink in moderation.

The social calendar can be overwhelming

It can be a stressful time. The influx of social events can be overwhelming, so it’s important to remember that self-care should come first. If you feel that your social calendar is overly full, and it is all too much, no matter how much you don’t want to let anyone down, it is perfectly fine to say no. You should never feel guilty about this.

Research has shown Christmas time can exacerbate existing health conditions. Sometimes it is not possible to do everything all the time. Your wellbeing comes first. Take some time out for yourself to recharge by running a hot bath, or try meditation. In the long run you’ll have more energy for your friends and loved ones, and enjoy each other’s company much more.

How to balance your health without being a party pooper

You can still attend parties and enjoy the festive season whilst thinking about your health. It just requires a bit of discipline and self-control. Try to opt for the healthier food options; more grilled food instead of fried foods, and salads for example. Drink less sugary beverages, and more water to stay hydrated. Try to make more mindful choices.

Alcohol is big one, I know most of enjoy a drink whilst socialising, but this doesn’t mean it always has to contain alcohol. These days there is a huge variety of equally delicious mocktails that are low in alcohol or even completely alcohol free so you don’t have to feel that your choices are limited. There are even alcohol-free beers and wines. These beverages also tend to be lower in calories, and keep you hydrated. An additional benefit will be that you won’t have a hangover the next morning, even better!

Don’t let the approaching festive season stress you out. It is meant to be enjoyed, but by making small adjustments to your lifestyle, you can have fun and still keep your wellbeing as a top priority. Moderation is key, and you can always opt for healthier alternatives. These, in combination with getting adequate sleep, exercise, and mindfulness will help you keep energised and make the most of December.

Wishing you all a merry, healthy and happy season ahead!