Understanding the Benefits of a Mediterranean Diet

You may have heard about the miracles of the Mediterranean diet, but what is it exactly? And how does it compare to a diet typical of someone from the UK?

3 minute read

The Mediterranean diet focuses on consuming whole unprocessed foods, and is inspired by the diet eaten in countries around the Mediterranean Sea, such as Spain, Greece, Italy and France, incorporating their traditional meals. This includes colourful fruits and vegetables, healthy fats (olive oil) and whole grains.

Research has shown those living in these areas tend to lead healthier lifestyles and have a lower risk of developing chronic illnesses. The Mediterranean diet is now even being seen as an emerging alternative to medical prescriptions. It’s not just a diet, but a way of life that encourages being active and a sense of community where eating together is important.

Why people in the Mediterranean live longer, happier lives

Have you ever wondered why people in the sun-soaked Mediterranean in counties such as Greece and Italy tend to live longer, happier, healthier lives than us in the UK? Studies show this is because of a number of factors which we can also learn from and adapt to our own lives here in the UK.

Firstly, they have healthier diets full of omega-3, healthy fats and antioxidants. Secondly it is not just a diet, it is a lifestyle. Meal times are a social event with family and friends sharing meals, full of laughter and connection, which helps to reduce stress and instils a sense of community and belonging.

Benefits of a Mediterranean Diet

The British Diet - what is it missing?

When you think of the British diet, what do you think of? Fish and Chips, steak and kidney pie, beef wellington.

Have you noticed what all of these meals are missing? Fresh fruits and vegetables. Which is in complete contrast to the Mediterranean diet. British diets tend to contain more processed foods and are lower in fibre, higher in sugars, salts and unhealthy fats.

Brits also tend to live less active lifestyles than those in Mediterranean countries.

UK diet vs. Mediterranean diet: The current stats

Studies have shown implementing a Mediterranean diet in the UK can help lead to positive health benefits such as lowering the incidence of heart diseases and improving life expectancies (similar to the outlined benefits of intermittent fasting).

The differences in food consumption has been highlighted. In Britain, fewer fruits and vegetables are consumed compared to people in the Mediterranean, where the rates of obesity and heart disease are much lower.

Research has shown those sticking to a Mediterranean diet had a 24% lower risk of cardiovascular disease, and 23% lower risk of premature death compared with those who do not implement this diet.

What is a Mediterranean Diet?

The Mediterranean lifestyle

Being healthy isn’t only about what we consume, although that is a huge part of it. Physical exercise is equally as important too. Compared to British lifestyles (which could be partly down to poorer weather conditions), the Mediterranean lifestyle is viewed as more relaxed with an emphasis on physical activity and the appreciation of the outdoors. It’s not just a diet, it’s a lifestyle.

Now, you know more about what a Mediterranean diet consists of. A mix of delicious vibrant fruits and vegetables as part of a healthier lifestyle. Let’s take inspiration from the Mediterranean, switch up our diets to more colourful, varied and more nutrient-dense, packed with fruits and vegetables!


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